What is the Hilton Trends Report 2024?

Czym jest raport trendów Hilton 2024?

17 lutego 2025

As we step into 2024, the travel industry is set to undergo a significant transformation, driven by changing consumer preferences and emerging trends. The Hilton Trends Report 2024, a comprehensive study of global travel trends, provides valuable insights into these shifts, revealing four key themes that are expected to shape the future of travel.

Rok Odpoczynku i Relaksu
The Hilton Trends Report 2024 reveals that 'Rest and Relaxation’ will be the primary driver of travel decisions across all generations in 2024. This finding underscores the growing importance of wellness in travel, with travelers increasingly prioritizing personal well-being and seeking opportunities to recharge during their trips.

Wzrost Popularności 'Bleisure’ Travel
The report also highlights the growing popularity of 'bleisure’ travel, a blend of business and leisure travel. In 2024, 46% of global full-time and self-employed workers plan to travel for 'bleisure’, indicating a shift in how people perceive and approach business travel. This trend is expected to redefine expectations in the travel industry, with more travelers seeking to combine work and leisure in their trips.

Pojawienie się Pokolenia Z
The report also sheds light on the emergence of Gen Z as a significant demographic in the travel industry. This generation, aged between 18 and 26, is showing unique travel behaviors and preferences, which are expected to influence the future of travel.

Znaczenie Łączności i Personalizacji
Another key finding of the report is the cross-generational priority for connectivity and personalization. Travelers across all generations are seeking personalized experiences and seamless connectivity during their trips. This trend is expected to fuel innovation in the travel industry, with travel leaders like Hilton creating new and unique experiences that cater to these preferences.

What is 'bleisure’ travel?
'Bleisure’ travel is a blend of business and leisure travel. It involves extending a business trip for leisure purposes, allowing travelers to combine work and relaxation.

Who are Gen Z?
Gen Z refers to the generation born between 1997 and 2012. In the context of the Hilton Trends Report 2024, Gen Z refers to those aged between 18 and 26.

What does 'connectivity’ mean in the context of travel?
In the context of travel, 'connectivity’ refers to the ability to stay connected during a trip, whether through digital means (like Wi-Fi access) or physical means (like seamless transportation options).

What does 'personalization’ mean in the context of travel?
In the context of travel, 'personalization’ refers to the tailoring of travel experiences to meet individual preferences and needs. This could involve personalized recommendations, customized itineraries, or tailored services.

Bleisure: A blend of business and leisure travel.
Gen Z: The generation born between 1997 and 2012.
Connectivity: The ability to stay connected during a trip, whether through digital or physical means.
Personalization: The tailoring of travel experiences to meet individual preferences and needs.

Qtavia Jansen

Qtavia Jansen jest wybitną autorką i liderką myśli w dziedzinie nowych technologii i fintechu. Posiada dyplom z informatyki na Uniwersytecie Stanforda, łączy swoje podstawy akademickie z pasją do innowacji, aby zbadać transformacyjny wpływ technologii na usługi finansowe. Kariera Qtavii obejmuje cenne doświadczenie w FinTech Solutions, gdzie odegrała kluczową rolę w opracowywaniu przełomowych produktów finansowych, które łączą technologię z potrzebami konsumentów. Jej wnikliwe pisma uchwycają złożoność nowoczesnych finansów, czyniąc je dostępnymi dla szerszej publiczności. Poprzez swoją pracę, Qtavia ma na celu oświetlenie przyszłości finansów i wyposażenie czytelników w umiejętności poruszania się po szybko ewoluującym krajobrazie technologicznym.

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